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Worship is one of the most important things that Christians can do.  In the act of worship, we remind ourselves and proclaim to one another God’s goodness through singing, praying for one another, taking communion, and hearing the word of God.  Worship is one of the ways that we experience the grace of Jesus Christ.

To our modern sensibilities, the act of worship can seem impractical.  What tangible good is accomplished by singing or praying?  What Christians have known for centuries is that engaging our hearts and minds in worship is one of the ways that we experience God’s presence and are transformed for the better.  For instance, a large study targeted at people in Ireland over the age of 50 found that those who attended worship regularly had fewer depressive symptoms than those who did not attend worship.  Another study conducted in 2020 found that the only demographic group that did not have a decline in their perception of their mental health were those who attended religious services weekly.

So, come join us for worship!  The service starts at 9:30am on Sunday, with Sunday School following.